I found this book to be a delightful, sunny and joyful read.
It is about an older child living in Australia who aspires to be an author, and as all authors should do she carries her author's notebook with her and is very observant of things. She is continually planning out her next novel and takes inspiration and interpretation from incidents she sees. This leads her to seeing things that she thinks will help the Police following a recent robbery from a famous local person, and takes her into some wonderful adventures.
I particularly liked the way the author, Ann Harth, planned out a very tight plot. She puts in several devices as clues along the way and the several strands that I wondered why are included come nicely together at the end. Being a seasoned police detective studier I recognised some of these strands and could predict why they were there and the outcome; but some I did not and there were some surprises for me. It was like a jig saw puzzle being pieced together. So although the book is aimed at children, it gives adults that like detective stories a shorter light read as well.
I did like this book. I consider it police drama for beginners.