Thursday, 16 December 2021

The Snow Forest by Charles Masefield

When I initially saw this book, the muted grey cover picture of an classically quiet forest covered in snow and the name of the author sounding like an eighteenth century romantic poet lead me to believe that the gentle plot would about nature and the weather. How wrong I was! I was swept away in an intricate and dynamic story more akin to a fast moving Midsummer Night’s Dream acted out by the Marx Brothers.

The plot shows Heaven, Hell and Purgatory as a modern bureaucratic organisation and how the characters in that system interact with each other and the physical world down below from where they originated. The plot is extremely imaginative. Characters from the upper world discover how to go back to the mortal world where they interact with mortals. This sounds rather grim and bleak, but actually is the opposite. There is a lot of fast-moving humour. I was particularly impressed by the author’s imaginative manipulation of the plot and character development.

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